Remove Restrications Tool With Removable Media Malware
You may not believe this but there still are lots of computer users that have no anti-virus program installed because they erroneously think that they will be spared from infection. Some don’t even know what a computervirus is!Well they are clearly wrong and the result is that I needed to clean, repair or dismantle lots of computers to get rid of all the malware that had infected their systems.When someone asks for my assistance, the first thing I always do is an offline anti-virus scan and clean.But when I boot the computer, I am often faced with the same problem; the virus has made some changes to the system restrictions in order to hide itself from easy detection. These restrictions are most often :-
segmen ni aku dah intepretasikan dalam bahasa aku so kita sama2 mudah adelah contoh-contoh masalah yang berlaku dekat pc kita...slalunyer dekat windows xp ar, dulu aku pakai xp tension ajer....dalam kepala bila fikir kena format, semua benda jadi tak kena... so bawah ni adelah perkara-perkara yang akan berlaku bila pc korang dah kena SERANG!!!!!!!!! dengan virus yang tak diundang tersebut :-1 - Disable Folder Options >> so the user can't set the option to show hidden files!
2 - Disable Registry Tools >> so the user can't see what is going on during system startup!
3 - Disable Ctrl+Alt+Del >> so the user can't see the virus and the other applications running!
4 - Disable Show hidden files & folders >> so the user can't see the malware bodies which always come with hidden attribute set to true!
5 - Disable Run Command >> so the user can't use it to run some tools to track the virus activites of remove it.
6 - Disable Windows Firewall (SharedAccess) >> so the virus can send & receive any data through the network without the attention of the user!
7 - Disable Windows Firewall (Wscsvc) >> so the virus can send & receive any data through the network without the attention of the user!
8 - Disable Windows Firewall (Wuauserv) >> so the virus can send & receive any data through the network without the attention of the user!
9 – Restrict Internet Explorer Home Page Changing >> so the user can't change the malicious web page set by the malware!
10 – Restrict Internet Explorer Closing >> so the user can't close the pops up windows that appear when visiting the malicious web page or any other website!
11 – Hide Internet Options >> so the user can't change any setting set by the malware!
(aku bajet korang mesti dah malas nak baca biler dah sampai takat ni....ehehehehhhh~)
12 – Hide Internet Explorer Address Bar >> so the user can't see what web page being visited and what scripts being executed!
13 - Restrict Internet Explorer Right Click >> so the user can't view the source of the page being visited and other useful things.
14 – Hide Internet Explorer Navigation Buttons >> so the user will be forced to user the ilaƧboard shortcuts to navigate through the web sites!
15 - Hide Internet Explorer Context Menu >> so the user can't access this menu which make him able to select some useful settings.
16 - Hide Internet Explorer Toolbar >> so the user can't use it to remove some unwanted toolbars made by the malware.
17 - Disable Command Prompt (cmd.exe) >> so the user cannot run any console programs like command prompt removal tools...
18 - Disable Control Panel >> so the user cannot use the control panel applets.
(ehhh....still baca lagi ker?? uiyo!!!! maafkan aku yang mudah berprasangka buruk terhadap rakan-rakan....ekekekeke =p )
19 - Hide system files/folders >> so the user can't see the malware bodies which usually come with system attribute set to true!
20 - Change Show Hidden files option button >> So even if you select "Show hidden files and folders from folder options these files & folder will not be shown!
21 - Disable Show System files check box >> So even if you unchecked "Hide protected operating system files" these files & folder will not be shown!
22 - Disable Show all files/folders check >> So changing this from folder options will be ignored!
23 - Hide Desktop items to prevent the user from accessing My Computer and other desktop shortcuts!
24 – Hide files extensions: This is commonly used by malware to trick the user. By hiding file extension, a user doesn't know whether a file with folder icon is an exe file or just an ordinary folder.
25 – Disable File Extentions Check >> So changing this from folder options will be ignored!
26 – Restrict Windows Update >> So the user cannot download security patches from Microsoft.
27 – Disable Shut Down Command >> So the user cannot shut down the system normally.
28 – Restrict Settings Folders >> Just imagine when you all items under Start menu>Settings wont run!
29 – Disable Taskbar context menu >> You right click your taskbar.. Oops; nothing happens!
30 – Disable Logoff Command >> So the user cannot logoff and use another profile.
31 – Hide Start Menu Logoff >> So the user cannot use this shortcut to logoff!
32 – Restrict Add/Remove Programs >> So the user cannot see what applications and windows components are installed or uninstall/reinstall any application.
33 – File Extention Default >> So the user cannot select "Hide extensions for known file types".
34 – No Windows Update >> So the user cannot download security updates and other fixes for windows.
35 – R-Media Malware >> This item is indicating that a malicious object is trying to invade your computer through removable media, please see the details below.
36 – Hidden Drives >> So the user cannot see any of the storage drives but they still can use RUN to access and explore them.
37 – Restricted Drives >> So the user can see the drives but cannot access them even when using RUN command.
38 – No Search >> So the user cannot search the file system using the start menu item for any file.
( least anda peroleh ilmu baru dengan membaca......membaca kann gaya wawasan!!)
Unfortunately, antivirus software doesn’t really care about these restrictions and do nothing to re-enable them! Until they comes up with such a tool in their future versions, we have created a very small tool for you that does just that! It re-enables all what the virus had previously disabled, and gives you back the control over your own computer. We called it Remove Restrictions Tool (RRT). The new great feature : RRT now is implemented with a totally new and great feature, we call it:Removable Media Malware Defender. Since we noticed that most of the malware nowadays spread via removable media (Flash disks in specific), we implemented RRT with the ability of monitoring, blocking and removing any type of malware that uses flash disks to spread. RRT with AutoRemove enabled will monitor your system and detects any flash disk as soon as it gets plugged into the USB port. The generic technique will work in less than few milliseconds , if it detects any infection in the flash disk, it will block it and remove the infection before it makes any harm to your computer.The great news is that RRT -unlick the traditional AVs- doesn't need to be updated with malware signatures in order for it to do it's job, instead, it uses a generic and smart technique that detects any type of malware that attempt to infect your system via flash disk inserted into the USB ports.
so, rasanya bagi IT pro's mesti ramai kan yang dah tau pasal software ni. eventough dier nyer size kecik, tapi macam2 major problem dier boleh settlekan. yang upgrade setakat ni macam yang korang boleh tengok kat atas, dah ader macam2 added function skang. plus, dia skang dah boleh detect virus dalam removable drive, so datz mean dia always working at background... benda2 ni kebanyakkan antivirus software tak boleh buat becoz mende tu just buang virus dari pc ajer, tapi side effect dia still ader dan diorang pemaleh pulak nak tolong settlekan benda2 tu utk ape guna korang bayar mahal2? (walaupon aku tau korang pirate....hahhaaha!!!)so, takyah malas2, download ajer software ni... tak besar pon. aku dah siap kasi keygen lagi utk full version, boleh guna tu...depends kat korang arr camne nak handle. ader masalah call saya ek? heheehhe.....~ 
DOWNLOAD HERE (472.28kb)blogID=5796089285239055501&postID=3843442711168153625