post nih aku buat especially utk sape2 yg baru lpas dapat approval letter dari DCA (Department of Civil Aviation) and then ready for medical-checkup as a minimum requirement before attending urself into any flying academy in malaysia.... sebelum aku pergi nih pon, aku ader gak arrr survey experience dari cadet yg laen....cerita seram habez, padahal biase ajer pon, cet!! saje bikin cuwak...
last thursday, aku ditemani bapak aku..perghhh .. ok sambung balik~! aku taktau nape aku tibe2 stop ... so aku plan amek medical check up dekat RMAF Institute of Aviation Medicine (Kuala Lumpur) ...dkat jalan lapangan terbang lama...area sg. besi tuh. berdasarkan survey yang aku buat, ni laa tempat paling murah setakat ni, rm127 dgn yg laen2 tempat swasta. cuma diingatkan sebelum nak gi sana, sila book tempat dulu sbb nanti diorang tak layan. aku taktau pon, takde plak book....tapi diorang layan gak. maybe sbb tak ramai org kot. tapi nanti once dah dapat license CPL/iR...and nak renew medical report, kne gak book. disebabkan ayah aku ni pon ex military...nasib baik lah dia ader sbb aku pon tak paham ape istilah diorang pakai waktu nak tunjuk jalan nak pegi bangunan aeromedical tu...layankan ajo!
first thing, sampai2 je..aku kena daftar. ade 5 application form yg soklan lebey kurang sama ajer...cuma owter2 sket, aku kena isi dan2 tu gak....naik lenguh gak ar tangan aku yg dah sekian lama tak pegang pen ni...pegang keyboard je memanjang. lepas tu, aku kena pegi ke lab utk buat x-ray, urine test and blood test. nasib baik tak lama, x smpai setengah jam pon sbb tak ramai org...yang ade time tu cume beberape mamat2 airforce aje...x-ray mcm biase, separuh bogel dan siap!! hahaha~ urine test plak mmg ajaib betol, elok aku masuk dlm tandas je....truz terase nak kencing, padahal sblom tu dah kemut2 dah apehal laa takmau kencing ni.... tindakan refleks once ade jamban seramik dpn mata kot, pon ar flush rosak!! rasa cam bunguk lak bile kencing dalam tiub, pastu kene pegang bagi kat doktor... duhhh~ blood test plak, byk betol darah aku dier amek. sebelom2 ni slalunye takat cucuk dkt ujung jari amek sikit je, tp yg ni dia amek kat bhgn tgh tgn tu, area mat pet slalu tepuk2 pkai jari pastu suntik tuh....pehhh, lpas berzaman tak kne cucuk...sadiz gak ah time tu. doktor pon ar kasar gile...hampeh betol!
then, aku turun smula ke bhgn aeromedic utk amek segala test yg melibatkan aviation nih mcm ear test, eye test, heart pressure, heart beat bla bla bla....
1. ear test
ni aku cuwak sket ajelah, sbb ni ar test yang abang aku tak lepas dulu, hahaha! procedure dier senang ajo, duduk dalam satu bilik sempit and kosong, sejuk ader aircond sodap giler kalo tido...dalam tu cuma ader satu headphone and button. pakai headphone tu, once kita dgr ajer bunyi 'beep' ataupun 'toot' ataupon 'tett' ataupon segala mak nenek bunyi yg korang dgr dari headphone tu, korang press button nak menunjukkan kepekaan terhadap sesuatu bunyi tu. mule2 blah kanan kot, pastu baru blah kiri. and seriyesly, bunyi dier slow giler gilerh gilerz, rasanye kadang2 tak dgr apepon, tp aku main tekan gak....buat pure2 dgr, kadang2 tembak pon leh kene! uhuhu~ jenuh aku tekan headphone tu kasi melekat btol2 kat telinga, nak kasi btol2 dengar...
2. eye test
ni adelah test yg paling aku cuwak sbb aku sendiri tak konfiden dgn mata aku sendiri. ni bukan mcm eye test waktu nak wat spek mata tuh.... mula2 detect sama de rabun warna atau tak, kire mcm ader nombor laa dlm byk2 titik warne tuh..stage ni pon aku dh rase susah. second, dia bg gamba yg berlorek..samade blah kiri kanan atas atau bawah, bila dia sebot nmbr gambar..just jawab je blah mana yg berlorek. aku rse smpai tahap yg ke 10/13 jer kot, pastu aku dah penin dah...berpinar mata aku. susah giler..tak logik plak tu, halus betol~ tp aku rase test ni maybe utk peka time nak bace detail atas radar. 3rd ujian rabun dekat, ni aku lpas sbb aku tak rabun dekat, just bace sentence dalam bahse inggeris yg diletakkan betol2 atas hidung, naik juling mata aku. fatimah juling..haha! and last sekali, ujian membezakan objek timbul. nih aku super blur, haram aku tak dapat bezakan....bukan takat yg besar utk demo pon ak tak dpt nak detect dia timbul, yang kecik lagi ar kantoi. tapi aku tembak!! yeah..yeah...tembak jer..... test ni supaya dpt membezakan jarak dan juge objek 3d, takde laa tibe2 terlanggar gunung everest besar gedabak depan mata pon tak reti nak bajet, haru~! doktor kata aku takyah pon sebenarnye nak pakai spek mata, aku konfius~ aku tak rabun ker? alaaaaaaaaa~ tak intelligent ar tak pakai spek...ekekek~
3. blood pressure test
ni simple amek blood pressure biase jer lah.. just some joke, "encik dah amek bp?" ...."saya tak pakai bp, saya slalu pakai shell takpon petronas aje~" ahahahah...bp stand for blood pressure, FYI... simple je kan.
4. heart beat test
okeh, bogel lagi.. time ni doktor akan cucuk la segala wayar karen, bukan cucuk..kepit sebenarnye macam nak jump kereta tuh.... and then ade satu mesin graf tu akan detect lah, aku taktau laa ape dier detect..aku rasa nadi kot sbb dia cucuk kat area2 tang tu...hahaha, manelah aku taw, aku bio pon tak hamek!! aku dak civil...doktor tu kata aku berdebar ker.. padahal sebenarnye aku malu sbb half naked dpn doktor pompuan..i kan suci...ahahah! cet~ doktor tu sempat ngumpat lagi ckp muke bapak aku evil and bengis gile..aku pon join ar sekaki cakap bapak aku tu sebenarnye muke tade perasaan and suke wat lawak tak jadi...ahahahah!! spoting btol doktor tu....
tu jer test nyer pon..... pastu masuk dlm bilik doktor yg handle aritu...rasenya nama dia mej. krishna...sama pangkat lah dgn ayah aku, mejar gak...baik betol doktor tu...alahai~ rase cam dpt treatment first class.. mule2 dia ckap aku kene kurangkan buat kerje berat sbb aku terlampau byk gunekan endurance waktu usia muda, paru-paru belah kiri aku mengembang? ekkkk? aku buat keje berat? hahahahah......okeh stop~ pastu dia tuduh aku kalerkan kuku jari nih sbb kuku aku nih kan pink kemerah-merahan macam buat manicure, padahal tak pon.... cikgu skola dulu slalu tuduh aku kalerkan kuku, sedih nokz~ hahah! aku tnye, "tak normal ker?" ..and then dia just jawab, "good ..good!" apetah yg good, idaknya eden tau~ dia on x-ray aku...aku nampak bahagian perot aku cam berkepol2 awan... then dia tnya, "u lapar ker?" uikkk~ leh taw ek..mmg pagi tu aku rushing makan roti jer, spanjang hari perot berbunyi....masuk angin..adoih! camtu rupenye dlm x-ray ekk... and then dia kata aku kne byk minum air mineral, sbb de risiko batu karang dgn masalah pundi kencing..isk isk~ dia tnye aku pnah kena tibi ker? dan aku taktau TB tu ape? tandas bergerak ker? ohohohoh~!!! damn~ dan dier kurik2 telinga aku dan ajar aku cara nak release tension bhgn telinga once pressure kat tmpat tinggi...biasalah kan. close ur mouth tightly, pinch ur nose...and then...blow make sure u feel like something release from both side of ur ears..gitulah. aku lupe ape nama istilahnye...pandai2 lah ek...
so at the end of the day, aku pon dapatlah satu sijil nih... say that my name... BLABLABLA~ meets the standards for a CLASS 1 Medical Certificate as approved by Department of Civil Aviation Malaysia. hoye~ hoye!!! now, take the certificate to any flying academy that u wish to be a part of. datz all....hope i'm helping a little bit! peace and go catch your dream~
:: post ni panjang gile bebi pahal ek? isk isk~
Sunday, March 14, 2010
coming soon...
okeh, berdasarkan ni bukan nak citer pasal citer horror siam tu..tapi pasal laen. apepon, citer tu mmg horror gile babi, tgk dgn housemate, tutup lampu....masing2 muke bawah kusyen bantal....gadis betol seko2~
ok, i never done wit diz kind of post...saje nak blambak kan kuantiti post, so aku wat ar post pasal movie yg coming soon kat cinema dalam bulan mac ni....padahal dh pertengahan bulan mac pon.. hahaha~!!
movie nih spanjang hayat aku g wayang..tak pnah plak aku tengok trailer dier...maybe sbb aku masuk lambat..taktau lah. dah lama mel gibson tak berlakon..rase nye last zaman apocalypto citer ngarut tuh 3 tahon lps....kire mcm come back la, sape yg minat genre drama/thriller...leh ar go on dgn movie ni... aku rase plot dier lebih kurang cam citer state of play ataupon taken, father's revenge for his daughter....sumthin' like dat...
aku mula2 nak gak ar tengok muvi nih..tapi tak prasan pulak dia kuar 11 mac..aku ingatkan lambat lagi. sape yang tak minat bourne trilogy? puas kot tgk start dari identity, supremacy sampai ultimatum.... definitely such an action-packed movie.... and the director still having matt damon as the lead actor, nampak sgt lah paul greengrass ni mmg chemistry kuat dgn mamat matt for those who prefer war movie and bourne trilogy...diz is recommended..
diz movie had already been released past 8 kire masuk lambat sket ar dlm market malaysia nih, standard laa tu. for those who prefer mix genre of action / thriller / science fiction / horror...can try this movie. diz movie takes place during the year of 2017, where a plague has transformed almost every human on earth into agak2 korang layan citer underworld, bleh kot try yang ni. by the way, underworld best. sonja is hawwt hawwt sizzling chiq~ and the dvd for this movie also had been released. download it here... password is Darknessblood ..... make sure, it's capital D...... 2 part, join with winrar
errr....citer ni bukan dah lama ker? nape baru tahun ni masuk...rasenya pertengahan tahun lepas aku dah tgk movie ni....story dia, superbbb!!!! seram wohhh....based on true story...rasanye aku pnah tgk yang real punye dalam national geographic aritu.... sinopsis dier, kire mcm satu family ni...pindah kat sebuah rumah lama ni, sampai salah seorang anak laki dia kena possess dgn evil power...rupe² nyer rumah yg diorang duduk tu kire cam sacrifice house, beratus-ratus mayat tersimpan dalam dinding rumah tu... seram ho wehhh....~ movie ni kuar 27 mac 2009, of coz dvd version dah kuar. sedut...~ password is ripper
it is a new gift from peter jackson, the person who brought us thru the journey of lord of the rings...combine work with steven spielberg as one of the producer...sape tak kenal bapak transformers nih.....dan sape tak kenal mark wahlberg? best kot mamat tu berlakon.... so movie nih sure gempak especially for those who love family drama with a mix of fantasy and thriller ... the idea of the story also come from the best seller novel authored by alice sebold.. citer ni pon lambat masuk...patut bulan january aritu dah start release.... so, pegilah tgk wayang. atau sedot ajer nih..hehehhh~ it's in MP4 format
bagi anda2 yang rase ade 17 anak kecik berderet-deret...leh ar bawak2 tgk citer ni....sbb tgk tajuk pon dah macam citer silly budak2 tak salah laa kalo nak cuba, because it is the same studio that bring u shrek, madagascar and kung fu panda...and smua citer tuh mmg best pon nak di layan...and citer ni will be release in ready to pay more if u want extra excitement... movie nih sebenarnye dah release utk di password protected. so lupekan je lah hasrat anda sebagai pirate yerk....~
frozen nih bukan tajuk lagu madonna ker hape..and aku takde clue langsung pasal movie nih sbb tak pnah tgk pon poster dier.....trailer nyer apetah lagi. tapi bg sape2 yg minat karya adam green yg x penah meletop pon filem dier sblom2 ni..dan jugak minat movie genre thriller..sudi2 kan lah diri anda melabur wang ringgit.... =P
okeh...yang nih aku konfius..citer nih bukan dah berzaman ker? tak habez2 stori yang sama pasal budak kenet si toshio tu dok mencangkung bogel tepi tangga....buang tebiat ker hape...tapi sbb citer ni byk sgt sequel nyer..bukan sequel...remake version sebenanye...dari yg original ju-on sampai versi keturunan anak cucu hantu merangkak yang ke berapa tah...aku dah lost counting psl movie ni... sebab movie ni tahun lps dah download je lah dvd nyer ni...
penat aku google nak cari poster movie nih, tapi takde gak....amenderrrrr laaa....~ so amek je lah poster basi ni. sebenarnye la kan...errrr, tah laa..maybe ni kot movie melayu yang aku mampu serahkan kudrat utk tgk kat wayang..haha! tu pon sebab yang nmbr satu dlu pon aku tgk kat wayang gak..aku ingat lagi, time tu dkat TGV KLCC....bising giler movie nih..aku rase nih movie yang agak bising jugak ar sound effect dier lepas ong bak.... so, movie nih mmg takde laa movie tempatan... (padahal baru aje lepas download movie adnan sempit nih..haha!)
okay...datz all...... babai~ ponat weh....
ok, i never done wit diz kind of post...saje nak blambak kan kuantiti post, so aku wat ar post pasal movie yg coming soon kat cinema dalam bulan mac ni....padahal dh pertengahan bulan mac pon.. hahaha~!!
V3 Samseng Jalanan - 11 Mac 2010
sebenarnye, seingat aku laa...nama asal movie ni ...rempit V3. tapi semenjak government tukar kan label diorang dari mat rempit jadi samseng aku rasa maybe datz why laa movie ni bertuka tajuk.. farid kamil sampai terpaksa wat permohonan maaf kat blog sebab terlepas cakap pasal isu ciplak menciplak idea berkenaan dgn crite adnan sempit aritu.....takut kena boikot lah tu...uhuhuhu~ aku tak berani nk tgk movie ni sbab rmai kata tak best...bosanlaa byk sgt citer rempit je skang ni....aritu pon hampir2 gak aku nak beli tiket dier..saje nak bakar line membe aku. mangkuk tu mmg anti habez filem melayu, awat tah.... tp why not kalo nak cuba? tapi after dat jgn ar mogok dpn kaunter nak claim balik duit tiket..huhu~
Edge of Darkness - 11 Mac 2010
movie nih spanjang hayat aku g wayang..tak pnah plak aku tengok trailer dier...maybe sbb aku masuk lambat..taktau lah. dah lama mel gibson tak berlakon..rase nye last zaman apocalypto citer ngarut tuh 3 tahon lps....kire mcm come back la, sape yg minat genre drama/thriller...leh ar go on dgn movie ni... aku rase plot dier lebih kurang cam citer state of play ataupon taken, father's revenge for his daughter....sumthin' like dat...
Green Zone - 11 Mac 2010
aku mula2 nak gak ar tengok muvi nih..tapi tak prasan pulak dia kuar 11 mac..aku ingatkan lambat lagi. sape yang tak minat bourne trilogy? puas kot tgk start dari identity, supremacy sampai ultimatum.... definitely such an action-packed movie.... and the director still having matt damon as the lead actor, nampak sgt lah paul greengrass ni mmg chemistry kuat dgn mamat matt for those who prefer war movie and bourne trilogy...diz is recommended..
Daybreakers - 18 Mac 2010
diz movie had already been released past 8 kire masuk lambat sket ar dlm market malaysia nih, standard laa tu. for those who prefer mix genre of action / thriller / science fiction / horror...can try this movie. diz movie takes place during the year of 2017, where a plague has transformed almost every human on earth into agak2 korang layan citer underworld, bleh kot try yang ni. by the way, underworld best. sonja is hawwt hawwt sizzling chiq~ and the dvd for this movie also had been released. download it here... password is Darknessblood ..... make sure, it's capital D...... 2 part, join with winrar
The Haunting In Connecticut - 18 Mac 2010
errr....citer ni bukan dah lama ker? nape baru tahun ni masuk...rasenya pertengahan tahun lepas aku dah tgk movie ni....story dia, superbbb!!!! seram wohhh....based on true story...rasanye aku pnah tgk yang real punye dalam national geographic aritu.... sinopsis dier, kire mcm satu family ni...pindah kat sebuah rumah lama ni, sampai salah seorang anak laki dia kena possess dgn evil power...rupe² nyer rumah yg diorang duduk tu kire cam sacrifice house, beratus-ratus mayat tersimpan dalam dinding rumah tu... seram ho wehhh....~ movie ni kuar 27 mac 2009, of coz dvd version dah kuar. sedut...~ password is ripper
The Lovely Bones - 18 Mac 2010
it is a new gift from peter jackson, the person who brought us thru the journey of lord of the rings...combine work with steven spielberg as one of the producer...sape tak kenal bapak transformers nih.....dan sape tak kenal mark wahlberg? best kot mamat tu berlakon.... so movie nih sure gempak especially for those who love family drama with a mix of fantasy and thriller ... the idea of the story also come from the best seller novel authored by alice sebold.. citer ni pon lambat masuk...patut bulan january aritu dah start release.... so, pegilah tgk wayang. atau sedot ajer nih..hehehhh~ it's in MP4 format
How To Train Your Dragon - 18 Mac 2010
bagi anda2 yang rase ade 17 anak kecik berderet-deret...leh ar bawak2 tgk citer ni....sbb tgk tajuk pon dah macam citer silly budak2 tak salah laa kalo nak cuba, because it is the same studio that bring u shrek, madagascar and kung fu panda...and smua citer tuh mmg best pon nak di layan...and citer ni will be release in ready to pay more if u want extra excitement... movie nih sebenarnye dah release utk di password protected. so lupekan je lah hasrat anda sebagai pirate yerk....~
Frozen - 25 Mac 2010
frozen nih bukan tajuk lagu madonna ker hape..and aku takde clue langsung pasal movie nih sbb tak pnah tgk pon poster dier.....trailer nyer apetah lagi. tapi bg sape2 yg minat karya adam green yg x penah meletop pon filem dier sblom2 ni..dan jugak minat movie genre thriller..sudi2 kan lah diri anda melabur wang ringgit.... =P
The Grudge 3 - 25 Mac 2010
okeh...yang nih aku konfius..citer nih bukan dah berzaman ker? tak habez2 stori yang sama pasal budak kenet si toshio tu dok mencangkung bogel tepi tangga....buang tebiat ker hape...tapi sbb citer ni byk sgt sequel nyer..bukan sequel...remake version sebenanye...dari yg original ju-on sampai versi keturunan anak cucu hantu merangkak yang ke berapa tah...aku dah lost counting psl movie ni... sebab movie ni tahun lps dah download je lah dvd nyer ni...
Evolusi KL Drift 2 - 25 Mac 2010
penat aku google nak cari poster movie nih, tapi takde gak....amenderrrrr laaa....~ so amek je lah poster basi ni. sebenarnye la kan...errrr, tah laa..maybe ni kot movie melayu yang aku mampu serahkan kudrat utk tgk kat wayang..haha! tu pon sebab yang nmbr satu dlu pon aku tgk kat wayang gak..aku ingat lagi, time tu dkat TGV KLCC....bising giler movie nih..aku rase nih movie yang agak bising jugak ar sound effect dier lepas ong bak.... so, movie nih mmg takde laa movie tempatan... (padahal baru aje lepas download movie adnan sempit nih..haha!)
okay...datz all...... babai~ ponat weh....
alice in words to express feeling~
just want to summarize, movie ni memang BESSTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT GILORH!!!! before this aku ade wat blogpost psl movie avatar, yg aku kata movie tu sebenarnye takde lah best sgt storyline nye sebab Alice In Wonderland mmg berpuluh-puluh ratus kali ganda adalah lagi besh tahap gaban kalau nak dicomparekan dgn movie avatar...maybe sbb citer pasal alice ni kita dh pnah dgr sejak dari zaman kanak2 ribena lagi, so..once diorang dah filemkan movie ni, in 3D plak diz movie become a lot more interesting to watch...for those who still don't have a chance to watch diz superb epic, better reserve some moment to spend...because it's amazingly cool yohhh!!!!! especially kalau dapat tengok yang 3D.....sayang nyer, IMAX kat KL dah gulung karpet balik bangla...isk isk~
okey, back to da story. ade satu hari tu, aku main rumble ajer gi the curve nak try walk-in, mana lah tau diorang open smula booked-ticket yg customer tak claim...takde jugak. plus...sampai midnite around 5 session before that, all sold out. yang selling fast pon for sure tinggal seat paling depan je....nak terasa jd org bodo sile lah duk kat situ....huhuhu~ at last, aku wat advance ticket kat gsc times square, one day before da showtime...aku cube try lah beli. pelik pulak bile tgk seat...byk giler kosong..aku siap leh dapat seat paling strategic laaa tgh2 hall tu, padahal bile try nak book online, katanye dah fully booked. kelentong bajenganz btol!~
dari part character pulak... yg aku btol2 knal rasanye cuma johnny depp dgn anna hathaway ajelah.. mia wasikowska, yg pegang watak alice tu.....haram sedetik seumor idop aku..tak penah pon aku nengok batang idung nye... pening gak kpale dgr british accents ni...
tp aper pon, storyline dia memang best.. badut bebeno muka mad hatter tu, tp johnny depp mmg style arr kalo pegang part alter ego ni...mmg originally lain lah kalau nak compare dgn role pirate, willy wonka ataupon edward scissors hand yg pnah dia act sebelom ni. yang red queen kepala besar tu mmg kelakar babi especially bile scene yg panggil babi suh jd tempat rest kaki tu.... yg white queen tu plak, kalo larr ade pompuan yg betol2 slalu wat pose tangan bajet your highness majestic cam tu...rase cam nak lempang laju laju ajer....bangang gile rupenye..
so....for those yang still couldn't make it to watch diz movie, u better act fast sbab movie ni memang best tahap ultra tera giga mega punye best.....highly recommended. ok, datz all.....PEACE XOXO~
p/s:: berani nak layan kl drift 2? v3 samseng jalanan mmg out of da list... i donno why suddenly i dun interested to watch dat movie....maybe sbb kontroversi farid kamil, my fren olredi say datz muvie tu sengal ayam dan sile hantuk kepala sampai berdarah and also, ape klaz layan minyak 2t???? hahahaha....pinjam ayat zul huzaimy dlm impak maksima..
biggest loser is totally such a loser!
okeh, back to the topic... for me, bagi aku lah....diz is the most inspired reality tv show ever made. sbb towards the end, it give such a biggest step of changes in one's individual life, to gain a healthier lifestyle and perhaps, able to live longer without having to suffer with weight burden..dat was certainly unhealthy at all to be carry out the entire life...both US and asia version, dua2 aku follow dari season 1...tambah2 lagi dpt tgk si jillian....aggresive, hawtt giler kot!!~ uhuhuhu...... tapi malam finale TBLA aritu, first impression aku tgk....what?????!!!! TF??!!! yang ni ajer yg production team mampu bagi? c'mon laaa....macam hape ntah. stage set simple habez, x menunjukkan zaman millennium langsung...rase macam back to the old time, macam tgk gameshow jeopardy zaman 80an dlu aje.... sarimah pon nampak macam klasik, antik giler....padahal she manage to be more beautiful than that, as usually we can see on local tv..crowd pon adoilaaaa.....cameraman punye shoot, tak cinematic lgsg...tak rasa grand sgt feel yg patotnye ade utk ape2 event finale, rase gloomy ajer.... ni kan pulak hallmark channel, adoi jatuhlaa stended. berapa byk region yg dapat broadcast cenel ni.....ntah apelah diorang condemn pasal capability kite nak jd host international programme mcm ni... plus, kata jer kononnye live telecast show, padahal...totally bullshit. it was taped in the afternoon. i have no idea what was the rationale in it being advertised as being live...the event actually start early in the mornin', but only got on air during the nite...itupon still stuck with technicial issue...such an embarassment dat need to be well observe in the future...
okeh, enuff about the issue, now 'bout the finale much did they manage to loose down? how well did they put on their effort to have the USD100,000 total of money up for grabs? since day 1, cuma satu jer favourite contestant aku....aaron ikram mokhtar from kuala lumpur, maybe sbb dier ajer yg datang dari malaysia....yg si nadia tuh tak bape perform sgt, so agak kureng lah bagi dia. plus, aaron ni agak quite famous gak arr, takdelahhh famous sgt, cuma rasenya dari dulu lagi dah penah nampak batang idung dier ni, especially dalam show rock the world..dia byk jadi mc and ader certain2 online show dia jd host...mostly about makan2 yg aku tak bape nak hengat dah ape title nyer....but overall, brader nih mmg cool laaa..... malam finale tuh pon, hairstyle dia ar paling stylo skali nak compare dgn contestant yg laen....
about the final show off, aku just share about the finalist ajerlah, about the person who early voted off....cuma garry ajerlah yang nampak success...yang laen agaknye lepas dah chow tu, dok umah melantak tgk muke sendiri kluar kat tv ajelah kot....syok kot muke masuk tv...huhu~ tambah2 smua fitness first centre pasang show ni....lagi grand kau...
although aaron dpt lose weight up to 60kg, tapi sebab dia pendek..duhh~ then still nampak chubby2 60kg within 6 month tu kire bleh dibanggakan laaa...around 130lbs, rasenye setanding gak ar kalau nak dicompare dgn US version punye...mmg laaa diorg nyer nmbr nmpak besar..itu pon sbb calculation diorang dlm pound... kirenyer kalo nak di kire pon, berat aku nih 150 pound lorhhh...uiyoh~ so he just manage to put himself at third places...behind carlo, the pinoy that i was amazed at how much he lost and respected that he not only lost weight, but he toned up well, nice body suits with his face which most people label as keanu reeves look-alike, yeke? however, he manage to showing that he was not only cutting down weight and losing the bodyfat but also working on toning himself up....although around week 13, we can see how buruk his body was....aku nak tulis pon takde up to uolls laa camne nak imagine how ugly it was to see saggy skin and all bcoz of drastically loose weight within short period...
finally, david gurnani from indonesia who was most people favourite came out...although he never been my favourite at all. and that's when I stopped being inspired........... what????? my jaw gone down through....not actually, just imagined like it really happened... walaupon before the show started pon aku dah dapat agak dah takkan ade org laen menang lah selain mamat ni becoz week by week, he always become the biggest loser of the week. he had already on top move forward, leaving behind the rest with big differences according through the number of percentage weight bleh kata, mmg takde persaingan langsung laaa...kinda dull, boring and easy to expect who will win diz game since the early stage of the competition....duhhh~ 'The King' who has been consistent in his efforts and performance throughout the show was nothing more than walking bones clothed in skin! In fact, which i can say scary fact sure is, he looked like he was on the verge of collapse and it was obvious he WASN'T AT ALL healthy as he took too much effort to even make the slightest movement. and in fact he scared the fucking bejeebers. he looked skeletal and anorexic and just... so wrong! misi gagal...the result is utterly menakutkan...hoho! dead man walking...the way he walk also look like he going to die once he step on the scale...he look more cuter when he was fat, i accept more the gorilla person although he said that the poor thing had been locked up in the zoo... guess he need to know that he looking lot poorer in that body...sadly to say~ kalo korang kaki dragonball, just imagine what happen to a person when they body got suck by Cell....that what he looks like...cekung habez, bulu pon tak kasi waxing treatment dulu......aiyoh~
so, is this what The Biggest Loser Asia is trying to put across? people who starve themselves for the sake of money? and then, aku rase carlo dgn aaron pon tak sangka diorang need to lose that kind of weight, or need to look sick like that to win the grand prizes.....luckily, they don't even think about it. they already look fit and inspired enough eventough they unable to claim the winning title. susah nak cari gamba contestants selepas show, even on the official website pon tarak, bodo! but then, kalo gamba david mmg banyak lah. but somehow, aku sangat takde selera and agak horror gak arr for me to post his pic here...uhuhuhu~ just google it urself laa, itupon kalo uollz barely interested to know....
however aaron, eventough he not win this thing...but then, MALAYSIA ALWAYS BOLEH!!!! diz is not racist, to be mentioned...heheh~ takde ganyang2 okeyh..... and well-done also sarimah for such a great job u got there....
p/s:: just watched the prelude show of AF8.... i like the set, simple but nice, especially the neon light decoration, modern wohhhh~....tak dump mcm season2 lpas.....great improvement. and dun worry, i'm not going to write any review on diz thing every week. it just not me to do that kind of thing...haha! mostly, the contestant just suck....kari-oki level....just got one or two who performed well-enough.....errr.... i can have my own words to express diz rite? uii..takut~
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