OMG!!! just got this shocking story, first thing i saw when i'd opened up my browser... Yahoo! flash news said that 25 June 2009, the king of pop, Michael Joseph Jackson or formerly known as MJ had died at the age of 50, able to survive half of century..a milestone age. there he goes, now he becoming a legend....his music will remain playing in our heart with zero chances of seeing him performing live again...or maybe come up with a new controversies on the frontpage. plus, aku pon tak brape sure in what kind of way he facing his death, yeah i know bcoz of heart attack...something like that... from some sources, Michael Jackson has died cause of massive cardiac arrest. the paramedics came as soon after the emergency called was made, but it was too late. i heard dat very few people survived from the massive cardiac arrest. but then, the question is... dlm agama ape? like i said so, he always came up with controversies such as child sexual abuse .... later bila timbul kes dia kena saman dengan pak arab sebab tak penuhi janji siapkan album dulu, kes tu tibe2 diam ajerr.....tup tup, MJ dikatakan masuk islam, yeker?? nama islam utk MJ ni ialah Mikail, just thinking would they settled his body? burn it on fire or buried him at Muslim graveyard? i'm looking forward to hear it on tv now...
tapi skang ni taknak la citer pasal tu. now, judging him from the music point of view, MJ had brought us such a great song with a feel-good message lifts us up, and makes us smile and remember the place we had the most fun dancing to it and with whom... most of his song relate about human rights, environmental issues, keeping people happy and fall in love. he had created such a phenomenon especially his moonwalk dance move, anti-graviti smooth criminal move dat definitely blown away, plus his showmanship during his performance on the stage. antara lagu2 dia yang aku suka macam heal the world, you're not alone, beat it, smooth criminal dan macam2 lagi laaa, eventough cover version from alient ant farm or fall out boy still can't 'beat it!' ....there will never be another superstar like michael jackson.. his contributions to the world are unforgettable as he will always remain in people's hearts. saying condolences to his children, parents, siblings, and other family members, and to his friends and fans.... and there you go~ XOXOp/s:- kalau korang2 yang reti dengar radio, hari ni saja berderet lagu micheal jackson main kat radio...rasanya macam compilation CDs pulak...
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