just a few hours ago, the unpredictable game yet a stiff competition between liverpool and manchester at anfield just ended with the result of liverpool gain their home ground victory, 2-0.. although the time of possessions show that man u controlling the game with 57%, the advantage of liverpool at anfield is still undeniable... yet bringing them on-time comeback after 4 times being defeated before...

ahahaha, bajet jadi pengulas omputeh plak ni....leh apply keje kat sportcenter pasni, konon nyer~ so aku takde laa nak memihak kat sape2...maybe lebey sket kat man u lah kot, sobabnye kalo liverpool kalah, ia adalah satu free pass untuk aku nak bambu fan diorang yg agak bekeng gak kebelakangan ni.. tapi, tq gak laaa kat liverpool....di atas kejayaan korang membenamkan man u, once again......our blue team chelsea, get back on the top conquering the rank table.... sing along~ blue is the colour, football is the game ...we all together, and winning is our aim ~ so cheer us on through the sun and rain ..coz chelsea, CHELSEA is our name!! lalala~ ok dah.... tgk laa bape lme dpt brtahan kat atas tu...
okeh...now let's g

o on with the main topic... spatotnye mlm ni aku nak tgk muvi, saje bosan2..... tp sbb de game, kita cancel la kejap....postpone to the other time being.... last citer melayu aku tgk adelahh 'SETEM' ....got afdlin shauki and vanida imran...yeehhhhh, once again they got couple 2gether gether... aku xde stori pon psl aku tgk citer ni ekkk~ ...citer tu mmg obvious gile nak promote 1malaysia...org cine mafia kasi potong smua benda pon pandai spiking utara nak habaq mai kat hangpa la ni.. but overall citer tu okeh laaa, walaupon rasa bengang tu ader gak membuak2 dalam pale otak aku melihat betapa bodoh dan tak reti menembaknya a.k.a mata keiro polis m'sia dari sudut perspektif layar perak... abaikan T_T ... so, kepingin bebeno di hati ini nak tengok citer papadom plak...and there u go, got afdlin once again..and vanidah also as one of the heroin. kalo dulu time afdlin 'rampingkan perutkuuuu.....~' ....aderlaaa nampak macam kachak sikit time blakon sama erra fazira dlm citer soal hati.... skang dah kembang segar bugar, rasa cam tak kena plak kalo dia belakon citer genre tangkap leleh camtu lagi... rupenya yg dh kiut macam pikachu skang ni mmg kene laa dgn genre komedi spontan yg dia bawak kebelakangan ni. tp xpelaaa, overall he still one of the most innovative yet creative film maker besides the KRU's trio...

berdasarkan first impression aku tgk kat poster citer ni, dan juge tajuk (adelaa sket2....ni stok tak dpt terima perkataan melayu yg pelik2 ar ni..) 'papadom' tu, mule laaa terdetik di benak hati kooo.... "citer bodo murahan apekah ku tak akan sesekali menonton ini?" and then follow by short teaser trailer dia plak, yg menunjukkan afdlin cam mangsa taufan tak makan sebulan tu.. "ape beno nonsense nyer bende ini?!!!" bak kata membe aku yg bajet global dan international....trailer itu sungguh sampah alam flora... creative department should think wisely during the process of brain-storming an idea on how to promote certain thing....at least to make a good impression especially for people who love to criticize something, like me~ hoho! ye laa...aku kritik ke arah kemajuan, skadar nak membina, jauh sekali nak menghina... aku sendiri pon tau tahap mana kreadibiliti teknologi yg mampu dimanfaatkan setaraf dengan tahap kemajuan negara kita sekarang ni... dun expect hollywood style in malay movie making....jauh panggang dari api, jauh punggung dari toilet bowl...
tapi berdasarkan review yg aku dpt buat conclusion dari blog2 lain yg aku ader baca sebelom ni....kebanyakkan nyer kata citer tu best. mawi pon kata citer tu best, hoho.... caye aje laa. plus, time FFM-22 aritu pon, citer ni menang award filem terbaik tahun tu, afdlin plak pengarah filem terbaik...plus other nomination, so why don't we gave it a try? maybe agak lambat sket.... aku citer melayu ni 18 belas ratus kali sket nak kna pikir sblom betol2 terdetik naluri nak tgk dier kat wayang...
okehlaaa.......cakap banyak, bayar kurang. habuk pon tarak~ insyallah nnti aku komen laa pe yg patot lopas dh ngadap muvi tu. assalammualaikum!
cute plak liyana jasmay time ni....maybe sbb afdlin yg besar buat dia yg kecik nampak lg cute....whatever~.
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