just want to summarize, movie ni memang BESSTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT GILORH!!!! before this aku ade wat blogpost psl movie avatar, yg aku kata movie tu sebenarnye takde lah best sgt storyline nye sebab Alice In Wonderland mmg berpuluh-puluh ratus kali ganda adalah lagi besh tahap gaban kalau nak dicomparekan dgn movie avatar...maybe sbb citer pasal alice ni kita dh pnah dgr sejak dari zaman kanak2 ribena lagi, so..once diorang dah filemkan movie ni, in 3D plak tu...so diz movie become a lot more interesting to watch...for those who still don't have a chance to watch diz superb epic, better reserve some moment to spend...because it's amazingly cool yohhh!!!!! especially kalau dapat tengok yang 3D.....sayang nyer, IMAX kat KL dah gulung karpet balik bangla...isk isk~
okey, back to da story. ade satu hari tu, aku main rumble ajer gi the curve nak try walk-in, mana lah tau diorang open smula booked-ticket yg customer tak claim...takde jugak. plus...sampai midnite around 5 session before that, all sold out. yang selling fast pon for sure tinggal seat paling depan je....nak terasa jd org bodo sile lah duk kat situ....huhuhu~ at last, aku wat advance ticket kat gsc times square, one day before da showtime...aku cube try lah beli. pelik pulak bile tgk seat...byk giler kosong..aku siap leh dapat seat paling strategic laaa tgh2 hall tu, padahal bile try nak book online, katanye dah fully booked. kelentong bajenganz btol!~
dari part character pulak... yg aku btol2 knal rasanye cuma johnny depp dgn anna hathaway ajelah.. mia wasikowska, yg pegang watak alice tu.....haram sedetik seumor idop aku..tak penah pon aku nengok batang idung nye... pening gak kpale dgr british accents ni...
tp aper pon, storyline dia memang best.. badut bebeno muka mad hatter tu, tp johnny depp mmg style arr kalo pegang part alter ego ni...mmg originally lain lah kalau nak compare dgn role pirate, willy wonka ataupon edward scissors hand yg pnah dia act sebelom ni. yang red queen kepala besar tu mmg kelakar babi especially bile scene yg panggil babi suh jd tempat rest kaki tu.... yg white queen tu plak, kalo larr ade pompuan yg betol2 slalu wat pose tangan bajet your highness majestic cam tu...rase cam nak lempang laju laju ajer....bangang gile rupenye..
so....for those yang still couldn't make it to watch diz movie, u better act fast sbab movie ni memang best tahap ultra tera giga mega punye best.....highly recommended. ok, datz all.....PEACE XOXO~
p/s:: berani nak layan kl drift 2? v3 samseng jalanan mmg out of da list... i donno why suddenly i dun interested to watch dat movie....maybe sbb kontroversi farid kamil, my fren olredi say datz muvie tu sengal ayam dan sile hantuk kepala sampai berdarah and also, ape klaz layan minyak 2t???? hahahaha....pinjam ayat zul huzaimy dlm impak maksima..
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