Friday, April 23, 2010

my kind of girl.......erghhhh, why i'm doin' diz? haha~

Now, here's what you're supposed to do, and please do not spoil the fun. Copy and paste this into your notes, delete my answers, type in your answers and tag ... sungguh skema!~ ni bukan aku yg tulis..

If you a guy- post this as my kind of girl..
If your a girl- post it as my kind of boy..

p/s-I don't tag's totally open to public.. =) is a tag actually. lama kan tak buat tag tag kat blog ni? hahahha~ dah habez zaman. okey, so for those blogger out there, got accidentally readin' diz...and also run out of idea of posting sumthin' new on ur own blog..yes, u may copy diz... i'm currently doin' the same thing rite now. peace~! do share, kalau rajin...

1. Do you need him/her to be good looking?
If i say no need to be good looking...for sure lah u know i am currently lying rite now. haha it's hard to find someone comes in perfectly well-packaged, but at least please bump me with someone good enuff to be proud of... i'm not saying me, kind of guy who likes to show off, i'm just happy to have someone who know how to take care both her outer and inner look as well.. coz i do take care of that aspect on myself~

2. Smart?
smart...from education level, i don't really think it compulsory to be judge, yet... yes it is important..but smart girls sometimes really do sexy, as long dat they're not classify as a geek or nerd one..haha!

3. Preferred age?
i preferred same age, older one? no lahhh~ feel lil' bit awkward...although we can see that for guys, most obviously their partner is like younger around one to three years for them.. but age is not an issue. as long they're matured enuff and can get click well between each other, just go forward....that's the green light..~

4. Preferred height?
Lower than me..yes!!!!! but farrrrrrrrr lower than me, no! same as me, i wonder if they do really exists..haha! i think i am quite tall enuff, like 183cm and it's hard to find malay girls around who have dat kind of long she kinda more than 170 cm, beyond my shoulder level...i've considered it as OKAY!! damn, it is harsh for me to judge book by its cover~ huhu

5. How about sense of humor?
humor? it is disease, and at the same time, it really do a best medicine... hahaha! stuck with me for a quite a lil' time...i think dat u might get infected with that kind of sense also.... this thing certainly contagious! i love 'giler2' kind of girl..enjoyable, doin' crazy stuff... not giving so much complaint and equipped with high rate of confident level...

6. How about piercings?
piercings? girl? just go on lahhh~ but enuff just to have piercing on those ears, u really one human being, not a cow!! haha...i'm just saying.. yes, i admit...i DO LOVE PIERCINGS!!!!~ it is body arts...

7. Accepts you for who you are?
do i am surely will know 'bout that? depends~ but hell no, SERIOUSLY YES LAHHH!! if not, for what purpose we make up with such relationship?????~

8. Pink hair?
i also love to colour my hair, temporary one lah, not the permanent one or i'm dead..haha! may colour ur hair... a lil bit of highlight using pink colour is totally rockin' ass dude long u not look stupid or people getting mistaken you with crazy maniac people with no could such a shame to have partner like you....really do! hahahaha~

9. Mushy or no?
mushy what? moshi moshi?~ mashimaro...oh gosh so cute! i really dreamin' to getting my own cute japanese girl....hahahhaha!!! pathetic psycho~ google, a lil' help here plizzz~

10. Thin or fat?
in long she passed her BMI test...haahaha! as long she clever enuff to calculate her own BMI, i think she surely not a fat bastard...haha! we not gonna flying to moon or outerspace to take this matter long she know how to take care of her's enuff. it is ur body gurl...go figure it out~

11. Black, Brown or White (skin color)?
not so black like u been suddenly stuck here from a remote places of african continent..and not so white like a vegetarian vampire datz crazy bitches do crazy 'bout...hahaha! gurl, do u seriously think that edward cullen is sexy? oh gosh...slowly cut ur hands off~

12. Long hair or short hair?
long hair, short hair... i don't care, as long i rated it as TRENDY.... u go girl with nice long u not mess up with it. safe answer, i prefer 'wearing tudung' one.....hahahaha~ dude, seriously!

13. Plastic or metal? plastic like hypocrite or trying to be someone else? erghhh....go f**k urself imposter, get a real life!

14. Smells good?
smells goooooooooooooooooooooooooood~ extra mark for you! not so strong, not so strange also... please keep it nose-friendly... u might killed ur own reputation with all that kind of weird alcoholic, chemical liquid u put on ur please, just don't over do it

15. Smoker?
no....are u some kinda jerk? or is dat kind of way u on diet process?? seriously, dat was totally UNCOOL!~ for girl...

16. Drinker?

17. Girl/Boy-next-door type?
nope!~ never think bout it

18. Muscular?
XX with XY GEN? is she a mutant or what?~ those girl superhero story, just keep it in comic based~

19. Plays piano?
someone likes marie digby or alicia keys? cooooooooooooooooooooool~!!!!!!! but please don't upload it on youtube, i hate over-rated kind of person.. haha! actually, i hate to have competitors...hahaha~ get your own dude~!!!

20. Plays bass and/or acoustic guitar?
it's her talent....i have no right to stop what she loves doing most...

21. Plays violin?
same answer.. i love music, she love music, we boths love music...okay, good chemistry...well done! we are made for each other...oh so sweet! LMAO~

22. Sings very good?
voice from heaven, like a free lullaby everytime before i went to sleep~ so romantic! huhu...ROFL~ yeah, i love singing...i love kare-oke session, and yes, if she do also...we might getting a chance for duet least i have gang!~

23. Vain?
nope... hahah~ LOL! no no, i am not underestimating girl...but go consider it urself, is dat really good to become vain? u know, every person is ur life~ i'm not so sure here, did i currently mistaken about the definition of vain here? hmmmm..... whatever~

24. With glasses?
glasses, contact lenses....what ever. just go is a technology in eye medical... if u need it to see things what's the problem? i'm not an old-fashioned guy to really consider about this lack...

25. With braces?
same answer like above...but please don't get to excited to wear this. i know she might look like, errrr~ better u not smiling... but sooner after that, was superbly make-over...

okeh done! be continue actually~ hahahha! seriously, byk lagi soklan. so time2 aku tgh rajin ni..aku bantai ajelah jawab semua. tgh syok2 spiking london ni...waahahaha~ i will continue diz post in the next coming issue...hahaha! ok....till then.. thankz