Saturday, April 24, 2010


salam..... hurmmm, dah lama tak buat post psl movie review kan... aderlah gak beberapa movie yg aku tgk movie ni, tapi biase2 not much booming thing to talk bout, so just keep it on my own laa...takpayah nak share ape2. tapi diz one, yes...kena share! aku penah tgk trailer promo kat tv psl movie nih, sekali ajer.... trailer nyer tak sampai 10 saat, dan tah hape2...... viewer doesn't have any clue what this movie is all about...and i think that is unfair.... coz i want to tell ya, diz movie is certainly KICK ASS!!!!!! the title prove it all....

hurmmm...nampak nyer government malaysia dah mula light2 skang dalam penggunaan bahasa, takde lahh strict sgt. yes, kita taw ass tu bontot, pungkok, punggung or whatever translation yg for the term 'kick-ass', it bring other kinda definition, meaning diz movie is really gonna make ur mind blow away into other dimension....not just tendang bontot semata-mata.... actually, aku dengar pasal movie ni dari salah seorang mmbe  berbloggin', he currently studying at dublin rite now.... so time dia post review psl movie ni, time tu blom kluar lg movie ni kat malaysia... dia just cakap movie ni best giler, banyak mencarut....and supposely confirm byk scene yg kene cut biler sampai malaysia nnt. tapi sebenarnye tak pon, byk juga laaaa istilah FUCK yg aku dengar.... fuck is common word actually, what the fuck is this thing? i'm fuckin' tired of diz mess up!!! just shut the fuck up.... my whole day just got fuck up!!! so, common laaa..... haha! it's not just go fuckin sumbudy belakang lorong...... ape aku mencarut nih? haha~ xpe, i bet u never hear me mencarut in real life, in person kan? i'm not dat kind of guy..... i hate when people mencarut in malay words.... carutan berbahasa melayu sungguh kurang ajar actually~!

okeh, back to review. aku tengok movie ni dengan 2 org membe aku... yes, aku sangat2 lah excited nak tgk movie ni...siap ayat2 lg...tolonglaa, tolonglahhhhh tgk wyg....aku btol2 nak tgk movie ni walau apepon yg terjadi. and sangat2 bagus lah movie ni takde nak promot melampau2, sebab aku beli tiket 15 minit sblom movie start..and still manage to have seat tengah, baek punyer position!!!~ takyah tawaf line 3 kali kecelakaan cam dulu... yes, dari poster citer pasal superhero. tgk poster, hurmmm....mesti citer bodo nih. pelakon plak underdog, tah sape2 tah... berapa lah agaknye director bayar utk amek nicholas cage belakon.. membe aku cakap ni movie budak-budak. haha!!!

citer ni first pasal one boy who put a lot of interest into comic superhero...and then he thinks, why not if world really do have an actual superhero? dunia mesti cam best kalau btol2 ada superhero.. sampailah dia order kostum dari ebay, comes up with his own move and make himself called KICK ASS.... and stori nyer mmg btol kena lahh... mmg people got easily become famous on youtube, bila ada satu video amateur pasal dier kena blasah dgn street gang diupload kat youtube.... since that time.. dia tibe2 become famous sampaikan satu gang big crime pon consider dier ni satu masalah besar utk illegal activities diorang...

first impression, yes mmg movie ni mcm lawak bodo2 ajer....but then towards the end.....dia jadi action thriller movie, byk tembak kepala kasi pecah, penggal2..tulang kasi patah riuk and seriously, cara orang mati dalam movie nih memang giler!! sumpah tak jadi nak kentut....~ haha! giler violence~ its like combination of superhero with ninja spirit....ala2 filem kill bill jenis modern with lots of gadget... and kalo korang nak tahu sape punye keje semua ni......korang kena tgk movie ni....sbb for sure korang mesti pikir gempak giler lahh budak pompuan ni (Hit Girl)...semata-mata nak tuntut semula kematian mak bapak dier.... ketua mafia pon dia bleh bom kasi badan berkecai!~ yerppp...aku sangat suka gun fightin' scene time Hit Girl nih selamatkan Kick Ass dgn ayah dier, Big Daddy waktu diorang kena capture dgn criminal gang tu.... tactic gun dgn glare and night vision tu memang super cool!!!!!~ seriously gempak gilerr!!!!! tak payah 3D, yang penting storyline.....takyah pelakon femes, yang penting acting skill..... takpayah org tua badan ketak, antar budak pompuan pon boleh kasi pancung semua kepala.... ok, end!! tgklah movie ni, i'd trust my fren on diz, so u should do too......

p/s :: tapi aku tak trust aril...aril shuffle tu..haha!! aritu tgk AC kat astro, segmen teropong tu....dia ader cakap lah dekat bukit bintang tu... port nasik ayam terbaek awok lah kunun, aku dgn membe2 pon trylahhh..... citer datang dari mulut aril punye pasal, tapi......................................... PERGHHHHHHH!!!!~ tak sedap......~! haha, serious.... mahal, okeh..mahal takpe kalo special...tapi biasa ajer pon... rm9.00 ...ceh!~ sekali try jer lah jawabnye, next more lah, insaf dah! .... ni personal opinion jer ek, laen org...laen selera. ok! PEACE!!!!!~

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