Sunday, March 14, 2010

coming soon...

okeh, berdasarkan ni bukan nak citer pasal citer horror siam tu..tapi pasal laen. apepon, citer tu mmg horror gile babi, tgk dgn housemate, tutup lampu....masing2 muke bawah kusyen bantal....gadis betol seko2~

ok, i never done wit diz kind of post...saje nak blambak kan kuantiti post, so aku wat ar post pasal movie yg coming soon kat cinema dalam bulan mac ni....padahal dh pertengahan bulan mac pon.. hahaha~!!

V3 Samseng Jalanan - 11 Mac 2010

sebenarnye, seingat aku laa...nama asal movie ni ...rempit V3. tapi semenjak government tukar kan label diorang dari mat rempit jadi samseng aku rasa maybe datz why laa movie ni bertuka tajuk.. farid kamil sampai terpaksa wat permohonan maaf kat blog sebab terlepas cakap pasal isu ciplak menciplak idea berkenaan dgn crite adnan sempit aritu.....takut kena boikot lah tu...uhuhuhu~ aku tak berani nk tgk movie ni sbab rmai kata tak best...bosanlaa byk sgt citer rempit je skang ni....aritu pon hampir2 gak aku nak beli tiket dier..saje nak bakar line membe aku. mangkuk tu mmg anti habez filem melayu, awat tah.... tp why not kalo nak cuba? tapi after dat jgn ar mogok dpn kaunter nak claim balik duit tiket..huhu~

Edge of Darkness - 11 Mac 2010

movie nih spanjang hayat aku g wayang..tak pnah plak aku tengok trailer dier...maybe sbb aku masuk lambat..taktau lah. dah lama mel gibson tak berlakon..rase nye last zaman apocalypto citer ngarut tuh 3 tahon lps....kire mcm come back la, sape yg minat genre drama/thriller...leh ar go on dgn movie ni... aku rase plot dier lebih kurang cam citer state of play ataupon taken, father's revenge for his daughter....sumthin' like dat...

 Green Zone - 11 Mac 2010

aku mula2 nak gak ar tengok muvi nih..tapi tak prasan pulak dia kuar 11 mac..aku ingatkan lambat lagi. sape yang tak minat bourne trilogy? puas kot tgk start dari identity, supremacy sampai ultimatum.... definitely such an action-packed movie.... and the director still having matt damon as the lead actor, nampak sgt lah paul greengrass ni mmg chemistry kuat dgn mamat matt for those who prefer war movie and bourne trilogy...diz is recommended..

 Daybreakers - 18 Mac 2010

 diz movie had already been released past 8 kire masuk lambat sket ar dlm market malaysia nih, standard laa tu. for those who prefer mix genre of action / thriller / science fiction / horror...can try this movie. diz movie takes place during the year of  2017, where a plague has transformed almost every human on earth into agak2 korang layan citer underworld, bleh kot try yang ni. by the way, underworld best. sonja is hawwt hawwt sizzling chiq~ and the dvd for this movie also had been released. download it here... password is Darknessblood ..... make sure, it's capital D...... 2 part, join with winrar

 The Haunting In Connecticut - 18 Mac 2010

errr....citer ni bukan dah lama ker? nape baru tahun ni masuk...rasenya pertengahan tahun lepas aku dah tgk movie ni....story dia, superbbb!!!! seram wohhh....based on true story...rasanye aku pnah tgk yang real punye dalam national geographic aritu.... sinopsis dier, kire mcm satu family ni...pindah kat sebuah rumah lama ni, sampai salah seorang anak laki dia kena possess dgn evil power...rupe² nyer rumah yg diorang duduk tu kire cam sacrifice house, beratus-ratus mayat tersimpan dalam dinding rumah tu... seram ho wehhh....~ movie ni kuar 27 mac 2009, of coz dvd version dah kuar. sedut...~ password is ripper

 The Lovely Bones - 18 Mac 2010

it is a new gift from peter jackson, the person who brought us thru the journey of lord of the rings...combine work with steven spielberg as one of the producer...sape tak kenal bapak transformers nih.....dan sape tak kenal mark wahlberg? best kot mamat tu berlakon.... so movie nih sure gempak especially for those who love family drama with a mix of fantasy and thriller ... the idea of the story also come from the best seller novel authored by alice sebold.. citer ni pon lambat masuk...patut bulan january aritu dah start release.... so, pegilah tgk wayang. atau sedot ajer nih..hehehhh~ it's in MP4 format

 How To Train Your Dragon - 18 Mac 2010

bagi anda2 yang rase ade 17 anak kecik berderet-deret...leh ar bawak2 tgk citer ni....sbb tgk tajuk pon dah macam citer silly budak2 tak salah laa kalo nak cuba, because it is the same studio that bring u shrek, madagascar and kung fu panda...and smua citer tuh mmg best pon nak di layan...and citer ni will be release in ready to pay more if u want extra excitement... movie nih sebenarnye dah release utk di password protected. so lupekan je lah hasrat anda sebagai pirate yerk....~

 Frozen - 25 Mac 2010

frozen nih bukan tajuk lagu madonna ker hape..and aku takde clue langsung pasal movie nih sbb tak pnah tgk pon poster dier.....trailer nyer apetah lagi. tapi bg sape2 yg minat karya adam green yg x penah meletop pon filem dier sblom2 ni..dan jugak minat movie genre thriller..sudi2 kan lah diri anda melabur wang ringgit.... =P

 The Grudge 3 - 25 Mac 2010

okeh...yang nih aku konfius..citer nih bukan dah berzaman ker? tak habez2 stori yang sama pasal budak kenet si toshio tu dok mencangkung bogel tepi tangga....buang tebiat ker hape...tapi sbb citer ni byk sgt sequel nyer..bukan sequel...remake version sebenanye...dari yg original ju-on sampai versi keturunan anak cucu hantu merangkak yang ke berapa tah...aku dah lost counting psl movie ni... sebab movie ni tahun lps dah download je lah dvd nyer ni...

 Evolusi KL Drift 2 - 25 Mac 2010

penat aku google nak cari poster movie nih, tapi takde gak....amenderrrrr laaa....~ so amek je lah poster basi ni. sebenarnye la kan...errrr, tah laa..maybe ni kot movie melayu yang aku mampu serahkan kudrat utk tgk kat wayang..haha! tu pon sebab yang nmbr satu dlu pon aku tgk kat wayang gak..aku ingat lagi, time tu dkat TGV KLCC....bising giler movie nih..aku rase nih movie yang agak bising jugak ar sound effect dier lepas ong bak.... so, movie nih mmg takde laa movie tempatan... (padahal baru aje lepas download movie adnan sempit nih..haha!)

okay...datz all...... babai~ ponat weh....


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